Saturday, January 26, 2008

Blogging to Stay Sane in Alaska

My sister-in-law has been blogging from AZ for a while now, and had encouraged me to start my own blog. Prior to moving from sunny California to freezing Alaska, I didn't feel like I had any insight to share that would be fun or interesting. Starting a new life (well, kinda') in Alaska has changed my perspective on blogging a bit. Let me tell you, I now have stories to tell!

My family has been in Anchorage for almost a month now and for me, making friends here has been slow going. My husband has his friends at work and my kids have made friends at school and in the neighborhood, but me.... I haven't faired so well yet. Fortunately, I have several very good girlfriends back in California with whom I share my stories of life in Alaska. I always have a good story to share about something wild and crazy that has gone on with me that day or week. Based on popular demand and with lots of encouragement from my friends back homein CA, I've decided to start my very own blog to share my wacky life with all who care to go along on this wild ride with me and my family.

To quote from the Thunder Mountain ride at Disneyland "hold on to your hats and glasses 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness."


sillyandi said...

Hey Waterman, nice to see you are hangin' in there! I've been thinking of you and I totally look forward to your many stories (wow this is gonna be a change...ME listening to YOUR stories!)
Can't wait for the next installment!

Christy said...

Great start Steph! Welcome to the world of blogging. You will find that it is highly addictive.

auntjnaz said...

Hi Steph !

Glad to see your new blog! Now we can all keep up with your life's adventures along with ya :). Nice seeing your pics and how it really is in Alaska straight from the camera. Can't wait to come see for myself! Love to all the family. Update regularly :).

grammayer said...

Hi Steph,
Enjoyed seeing the pictures.
You are doing a great job.Keep up the good work.
Belated birthday wishes to Erik.
It will really be an education for all of you -to see how another part of the world lives. Hope you will all have lots to tell everyone about this Alaska journey.
You are all loved .Keep up the news !
G & G Mayer