Monday, May 5, 2008

Sold Out

I was so excited when I read in the newspaper last week that Elton John was going to be in concert here in Anchorage. Elton John is one of those performers I have always wanted to see, but never thought I would get to, because tickets for his performances are always in such high demand. I remember growing up in So. Cal. thinking that if we lived in some out of the way place it would be so much easier to get the hot concert ticket. I discovered today just how wrong I was.

Tickets went on sale at 10:00 this morning for the concert on 5/28. I decided I wasn't going to wait in line with the rest of Anchorage. I was going to sit on my computer, waiting for the clock to strike 10:00 and I was going to be all over Ticketmaster's website. In my warped imagination, I was going to have tickets in my hand shortly after 10:00 and every fool who waited in line for hours would be jealous. Yeah, not so much!!!! I was on at 10:00, but I didn't stand a chance. For the next 45 minutes I sat at our computer typing in secret code words and clicking on the "back" link. For 45 minutes I received message after message informing me that there were no tickets available. In a last ditch effort I even called my dad in So. Cal. for their local Ticketmaster phone number so I could try getting tickets through them, but that didn't pan out for me either.

All of you living in a large metropolitan area can take comfort in knowing that even when you live in Timbuktu, when a big star comes to town, it suddenly becomes as populated as Los Angeles. As I type this today, I wasted 45 minutes of my life on and I still do not have Elton John tickets to show for it. Some neighbors and acquaintances I've talked to fared better than I did and some met the same fate. When it comes down to it though, I have to admit that I am pretty resourceful, so don't count me out just yet!

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