Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Power of Pink

Yes, you read that right, I did mean pink like the color PINK. I had a thought about pink yesterday and because Valentine's Day is tomorrow, I thought it would be a good day to blog about pink. Some of you are going to think I'm crazy, but I'm o.k. with that!

I live in a house with three guys. The youngest two are 8 and 10 years old and then, of course, there's my husband. In our household there is not much that's sacred. What one person has, someone else in the family usually wants too. It can be anything from food, to a toy, to a particular article of clothing. As you can imagine, it gets old after a while.

Yesterday I bought a beanie for myself. It is reversible pink/white. When I was getting ready to go outside to shovel snow yesterday afternoon I put it on . My son Kaiden (who has an opinion about everything), commented on the fact that I had a new hat (one that he usually would have coveted and tried to take over immediately), made reference to the fact that it was pink and never said another word about it. It was liberating!!!! I had something nobody else in the family wanted, simply because it was pink.

There was a time when we were having children that I really thought I wanted a girl. That thought was quickly fleeting and I am more than happy to be a "boy mom"! I've never really noticed an overabundance of tetosterone in our family, but as my sons get older the tide is changing around here and I am starting to feel a little outnumbered. Here' the perfect example: Eric is going out of town for several days. In anticipation of snow, he mentioned to the boys that he was going to have to teach me how to use the snowblower in case I need to blow snow while he is gone. Kaiden responded by saying that "snowblowing is not really a girls job" so he would just blow the snow himself if it was necessary. WHO'S KID IS HE ANYWAY?

Enough boy talk, let's get back to pink. I have now decided that the color pink empowers me. I do not own a wardrobe of pink clothing nor do I intend to, but I'm so happy when I know exactly what is mine around this house and that nobody else is going to want it. In the mud room, when I see a pink sleeve among the sea of black, khaki, and red I know it's my jacket! I don't have to look at the tag, I just know. When I look in the basket full of black and brown gloves, I know exactly which ones are mine, they're the ones with the pink stripe on them. When I fold laundry I know immediately that if there is an item with any pink on it, it's mine!

Yep, I've decided, pink is my new favorite color and guess's all mine!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should be happy that your boys want to use the snow blower. I can't get my 11 and 13 year old boys out to shovel, but my 4 year old girl loves it. Go Figure.