Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What weighs more...

O.K., O.K., I know the answer already! I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but I DON'T CARE! Those of you who have been keeping up on my blog already know that we pay a pretty penny to work out at an adequate gym. Now, to make matters worse, instead of that downward spiral I've been working towards, my scale is slowly creeping up! Every time I get on the scale it's torture!

If you know me in real life, you know that I'm not overweight, but I do watch my figure (expand and contract) and I would like to be even thinner. I know some of you would beg to differ, but none of you have seen me naked, nor would you care to, trust me! In my mind, ideally I would be about 10-12lbs. less than my current weight. In an effort to head in that direction, I've been going to the gym 3 times a week and have been watching what I eat. Mind you, I watched what I ate in CA, but I didn't frequent the gym. All that being said, I thought I would lose weight, WRONGO! For the most part the scale has stayed close to the same, but depending on the day, I may be up up to 2 lbs. I never seem to be down though!

I've been doing 30-45 minutes of cardio three times a week and doing a circuit on those three days as well. I know I'm probably building some muscle, but let's be real! Also, can't I build muscle and still drop pounds? I don't have all of the answers, but I told Eric that if I don't start losing weight I'm going to cancel the stupid gym membership. He tries to reason with me that I'm healthier and more fit because I'm going to the gym. I don't disagree, but I worked hard for a certain figure to appear on that darn scale, and when I deviate from that figure it ticks me off! There's no proof that it's muscle and not fat! Any words of advice...I'm listening?????

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I totally agree and I get sick of hearing that muscle weighs more than fat. I want the scales to change also, just a bit would be encouraging.